4 Ways to Discourage Shoplifting 

The statistics paint a grim picture. As the National Retail Security Survey in 2015 notes, an estimated 27 million Americans shoplift, and 10 million of them have been caught within the past five years. Meantime, the average shoplifter confessed to stealing something 1.6 times a week, and the total amount taken from retailers annually is a whopping $13 billion. Interestingly, 72 percent of shoplifters say they did not plan their crimes in advance, which means they may have gone into a store, saw the opportunity, and went for it.

As a business owner, these numbers are undoubtedly concerning. Maybe you’ve also been a victim of shoplifting, or you know plenty of other managers who have. Either way, you will want to do everything you can to deter would-be thieves from stealing from your store. The following examples have been shown to help:

Learn How Shoplifters Operate

Sometimes, the best way to prevent criminals from striking is to figure out how they operate. As Shopify notes, the most common shoplifting method is to hide something before eventually snatching it. Among the more common hiding places of stolen items include bulky clothing, purses, backpacks, strollers or even umbrellas.

Watch shoppers who have these accessories with them and keep a close eye on those who are more interested in looking at employees than shopping, or who seem overly nervous and randomly pick up a variety of items. In addition, make it a point to greet everyone who comes in to your store or business, which lets customers know you are aware of their presence. You can also take extra precaution by posting signs to instruct shoppers to leave any large bags or backpacks at the counter upon entering.

Install Visible Security Systems

To deter shoplifters, you must keep your security system out in the open. As Staples notes, different security approaches can do the trick, from security mirrors and motion sensors to security cameras and guards who either stay by the front doors or walk throughout the store.

Whatever system you choose, make sure it’s fairly obvious and easily seen to help ward off shoplifters. One word of advice: If you want to add security cameras, do yourself a favor and spend a bit more for the real thing instead of a dummy or faux camera. This way you will have real footage that police can use if someone rips you off. Lorex Technology, for example, sells quality security cameras, including both dome and bullet style models that feature great picture quality.

Post Plenty of Warning Signage

An affordable and effective way to deter shoplifting is to post signs throughout the store indicating shoplifters will be prosecuted. Place the signs near the front door and at a considerable height, which is where the bad guys will look anyway to see if you have security cameras. If you feel odd posting these signs throughout your store, remember that honest shoppers will not be bothered by them in the slightest; after all, your goal is to discourage criminals.

Organize Your Store to Prevent Theft

If you, place checkout counters in a fashion or location so that shoppers must pass them while leaving the store. In addition, try to eliminate any dark corners and other blindspots where shoplifters can easily hide and tuck items into a bag. Likewise, consider keeping small and spendier items locked away in cabinets. If you sell clothing, limit the number of items people can take into the dressing room and note how many they are trying on at any one time.

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