Meet Franchising Megastars Face to Face at the Franchise Expo South
Happy New Year! Is this you year to break out and ‘fire the boss’ and finally be the boss? It might seem an odd stretch to consider franchise experts a megastar, but in the industry generating billions of dollars each year they exist. Certainly, everyone knows NFL legend and future Hall of Famer Peyton Manning […]
3 Businesses With Low Overhead for the Broke Entrepreneur
Not every business needs millions of dollars of capital investment to get started. For most, you need enough money to cover your personal debts and a bit for advertising. Obviously, some business ideas are less overhead friendly than others. Finding the right company idea to match your expertise and cash flow will place you on […]
5 Things That You Need To Be An Entrepreneur
According to, the United States has 27 million entrepreneurs. Some of these will succeed while a majority will fail. The actual number of small businesses that do not thrive is a matter of debate since most transition into a new form. Though there is no formula for entrepreneurial success, there are some things that […]
5 Steps for Keeping Your Company’s Cloud Secure
Having your business on the cloud makes having strong security a top priority. Concerns about security are one of the big drivers behind the rise of hybrid clouds, as IT managers seek to navigate a happy medium between the cost savings represented by the cloud and the potential risk it brings. Moving to the cloud […]
4 Smart Ways to Manage Your Growing Business
A growing business usually implies success. However, without the proper foundation to support the needs of the company, it can soon find itself drowning in work and desperately needing more help. Here are four ways business owners can effectively manage their business’ growing pains. Use a Virtual Assistant As a growing business continues to scale, […]
Buying and Recycling Old Tech to Stay Green
When operating a business, what factors should business owners consider when making decisions about buying new equipment? Buying equipment that’s reliable and has an excellent build quality is likely at the top of the list. Another would be how affordable it is and whether it’s a good value. However, it may come at a surprise […]