Franchising in the Digital Age
Now, more than ever, businesses need cutting edge marketing in order to stay afloat. Having cutting edge technology or an acclaimed business model, is always a great leg-up, but what will any of that mean if you are not reaching your audience?
Arby’s Roast Beef sandwiches franchise recently went through a re-structuring of their marketing platforms when their sales began slumping. “We had lost about $150,000 in sales per restaurant over a four-year period, which for a brand our size is essentially catastrophic,” Arby’s brand president and marketing boss, Rob Lynch, told Adweek.
So what did they do to fix this problem? Sure, they made some adjustments to their products, but the major improvement in their company happened through online marketing. Most notably, the tweet about Pharrel Williams’ Hat and it’s resemblance to the Arby’s icon which was retweeted 80,000 times resulting in 6,000 new followers.
Now, if you aren’t savvy to the world of online marketing and social media outreach, not to worry. There are plenty of business owners out there who did not grow up in the age of online marketing platforms and are in exactly the same boat. However, as it goes in all aspects of business, you do have to keep up with the times. If this means hiring someone to be in charge of your social media and online platforms, then do it! The interest you can bring in through online outsourcing will be invaluable to the longevity of your company. If you currently do not have the resources to bring in a professional tweeter or blogger, then read up on some techniques on how to use these sites for yourself. There is even a website that will allow you to send out your message on all platforms at the click of a button!
And if you are still convinced that having a unique brick and mortar store with a great location is going to keep your business around for years to come, take a look at this infographic from that explains the impact online outreach can have on your company.